Microbiological tests of food, feed and food supplements

Test type
Total viable count (TVC)
Yeast and mould count (YMC)
Enumeration of beta-glucuronidase-positive Escherichia coli
* Enumeration of coagulase positive staphylococci (Staphylococcus aureus and other species)
Presence of Salmonella spp
Wykrywanie obecności Candida albicans
Number of presumptive Bacillus cereus
Coli group bacteria count
Enterobacteriaceae count
Test package: E. coli + coagulase(+) staphylococci + Salmonella + Enterobacteriaceae
Test package: TVC + YMC + E. coli + coagulase staphylococcus(+) + Salmonella + Bacillus cereus

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